Saturday 16 August 2014

Why did Jesus heavenly Father not offer him palliative care ?

If there was a real cosmic God then why didn't it think of miraculously creating Holstein Friesian cows with their black and white pattern forming a map of the world ? Maybe because Bible God's imagination is mighty limited when it comes to thinking outside the box ? Such a map of the world, if provided 2000 years ago, would have enabled the Old World to discover the New World much sooner and let them enjoy the crops of the New World.

Maybe then Jesus would have been made to say, " Man shall not live on bread alone - he needs potato crisps, tomatoes & chocolate, so get thy ass over there double quick, to go without chocolate is kinda thick "

Then we would not have been able to write a parody on John 3v16; " For god so loved the Old World that he deprived them of chocolate for most of recorded history except for the last 500 years "

Also when it comes to a lack of imagination, how is it that the author of Matthew 27v48   didn't think to make Jesus say a quick prayer to turn the wine vinegar he was offered on the cross into fine wine, or maybe Jack Daniel's would have been more effective ? Also how come Jesus didn't  saturate the wine with morphine ? Or why not have Jesus say a quick prayer for himself to miraculously remove all the pain? Why didn't the heavenly father think of administering palliative care ? So in fact that grief was entirely avoidable. Is God his own worst enemy ? Self inflicted grief ?

Matt 27v34 " They offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it "  If the Gall mentioned in the Bible is supposed to derive from opium. So why didn't Jesus do the caring thing and drink the gall that was intended to give him pain relief ? Did the onlookers shout, " Jesus why don't you drink the gall, it will relieve the pain " and Jesus shouted, " I've read in the newspapers that it can be addictive " to which the crowd replied , " But Jesus you are likely to die soon anyway " then Jesus responds, " Oh I never thought of that, thanks guys "
Bible History website  makes the claim that Jesus was determined to experience the full force of the pain - that is why he refused the Gall. It also mentions that Mark 15v23 says the wine was mixed with myrrh. What good would myrrh have been to Jesus? Faussets claims that myrrh could also offer pain relief.  Well that takes the biscuit. The wise men brought Jesus Myrrh at his birth and yet Jesus refuses to take any on the cross ? ! That is just as bad as being starving in the wilderness but refusing to take the devils good advice of making some bread out of stones. Faussets also points out that Matthew maybe has put that the wine contained Gall so that it would fit with Psalm 69v21. However Psalm 69v20 says, " I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none. v21 They put gall in my food ( as if that was an act of enmity ) and gave me vinegar for my thirst. " However it could be read that the person in the gospels offering Jesus the wine with myrrh/ gall were trying to comfort & sympathize with him - this undermines the attempt to make Psalm 69 into a prophecy.

[Too many cooks spoil the broth: The authors of Matthew 27v34 have added a tale of the wise men bringing Jesus Myrrh as a present but have forgotten that the author of Mark 15v23 have made Jesus refuse the wine with myrrh added.

Would you agree that the chief priests, teachers of the law and elders were correct when in Matt 27v41 they mocked, " he saved others but he can't save himself " or Luke 23v35 " He saved others, let him save himself " ? Maybe they should have been clearer by shouting, " Give yourself Anaesthetics & analgesics ?" or " You should have read ' Why evolution is true " by Jerry Coyne.  Or the crowd could have said, " Jesus didn't you realize the Bible stories are just folklore, queer stories, fairy tales for our amusement, You didn't  think there were all literal fact did you ? You need to look into the future & read " The reason driven life " by Robert M. Price.

Matthew 27v46 has Jesus cry out from the cross, " My God why have you forsaken me ? " Maybe it should have been, " My God why didn't you numb the pain ? Seems dumb that you didn't ! "
Why didn't Jesus ask, " Is there really a God or have I been mistaken about that ? What is going on here, something seems not quite right, something not adding up, has the information I have been given in error ? Have I been deluded about the supernatural world, what if there is none ? "

Quite an interesting article on Wikipedia about shortages of Morphine in some countries - could be solved by allowing Afghan farmers to provide poppy seeds. Probably some cons with that idea ( I have no idea if the article is correct )

Global shortages :
Morphine and other poppy-based medicines have been identified by the World Health Organization as essential in the treatment of severe pain. However, only six countries use 77% of the world's morphine supplies, leaving many emerging countries lacking in pain relief medication.[73] The current system of supply of raw poppy materials to make poppy-based medicines is regulated by the International Narcotics Control Board under the provision of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The amount of raw poppy materials that each country can demand annually based on these provisions must correspond to an estimate of the country's needs taken from the national consumption within the preceding two years. In many countries, underprescription of morphine is rampant because of the high prices and the lack of training in the prescription of poppy-based drugs. The World Health Organization is now working with administrations from various countries to train healthworkers and to develop national regulations regarding drug prescription to facilitate a greater prescription of poppy-based medicines.[74]
Another idea to increase morphine availability is proposed by the Senlis Council, who suggest, through their proposal for Afghan Morphine, that Afghanistan could provide cheap pain relief solutions to emerging countries as part of a second-tier system of supply that would complement the current INCB regulated system by maintaining the balance and closed system that it establishes while providing finished product morphine to those suffering from severe pain and unable to access poppy-based drugs under the current system.

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