Saturday 25 October 2014


How is it that so many people can watch ghost stories with ghosts passing easily through solid walls and yet they don't immediately question why would the stone  need to roll away from in front of the tomb of Jesus to let him out ? Physicists like Lawrence Krauss tell us that physical materials are actually mostly empty space at atomic level.  Even Luke 24v36 has Jesus appear as if by magic in front of the disciples. V37 they thought they saw a ghost. v38 somehow it doesn't dawn on Jesus why it should be a bit scary to appear out of thin air. Strangely none of the disciples asked, " How did you manage to appear out of thin air, where did you teleport from ? " What about v32 which might have been 7 miles away in Emmaus, which has Jesus magically disappear from two of his followers and yet they don't say, " Wow how could he disappear into thin air " also back at v40 these two followers don't say, "Jesus disappeared into thin air from before our very eyes at Emmaus, neat trick Jesus".

John20v19 has Jesus appear and stand among the disciples even though the door was locked.

Matt 27v51 Has the tombs break open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life, but again why would any tomb need to break? Couldn't these ghosts have drifted though solid stone ? Isn't it just a way whereby the author makes the story more dramatic and tangible ? 

See the Youtube video on "Madtv" of the parody of Terminator going back to the supposed life of Jesus to prevent his death by assassinating Judas. Jesus brings Judas back to life again so that Judas will be able to betray him. 
Anyway the video makes a glowing light at Jesus hands  as Jesus restores Judas but I doubt if light would be necessary for the healing [ Saw this link in " Killing history" by Robert M. Price.]

Was the original tale about Jesus just a prank ghost story or play that some people later mistook to be an account of factual events ?

Parody of Nunnery scene from Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet”

To believe or not to believe,
that is the question ?
Fact or fiction ?
Whether these stories really happened
Or were they just made up,
figments of ghost writers’ imaginations ?
Accurate accounts of historical reality or distortions, exaggerations ?
Mere retelling of ancient lore ?
Alas poor Jesus. Did anyone know him well ?
If we held his skull it would show that someone by that name lived, but was he only a puppet or ventriloquist’s dummy?
Entombed like a Pharaoh mummy ?
Luke 18v19, why do you call me good ?
when so much of what I say is dumb & rude
Would it be as foolish as the Egyptian belief to think that he sailed a barque across the heavens?
A popish pilot steering St. Peter’s Barque, Jings crivvens ?
Help ma boab
O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels from an evolutionary perspective!

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