Monday, 30 March 2015

Jesus the ergot ridden bread of madness

My saviour from babble looks like Valerie Tarico.
John 6v25 has Jesus say,"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty"
On one hand this could be false advertising but on the other hand does Christianity act like a poison which subdues appetite and thirst for knowledge? Maybe Jesus is the bread with ergot in it. It certainly has errors got. But maybe as modern science has derived uses for ergot chemistry, Valerie's analysis of the Christ myth offers a cure and shows the scriptures are evidence that the supernatural realm is a failed hypothesis.
Ergotism is the effect of long term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced by the Claviceps purpurea fungus that infects rye and other cereals. The symptoms can be roughly divided into convulsive symptoms and gangrenous symptoms.
Convulsive symptoms include painful seizures and spasms, diarrhea, paresthesias, itching, mental effects including mania or psychosis, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
In the Middle Ages, the gangrenous poisoning was known as "holy fire" or "Saint Anthony's fire", named after monks of the Order of St. Anthony who were particularly successful at treating this ailment. However it wasn't until 1676 that the cause was identified by Denis Dodart.
In the last century ergoline drugs have been derived from ergot.
Ergotamine is used medicinally for treatment of acute migraine attacks (sometimes in combination with caffeine). Medicinal usage of ergot fungus began in the 16th century to induce childbirth, yet dosage uncertainties discouraged the use. It has been used to prevent post-partum haemorrhage (bleeding after childbirth). It was first isolated from the ergot fungus by Arthur Stoll at Sandoz in 1918 and marketed as Gynergen in 1921
In addition to the naturally occurring ergonovine (used as an oxytocic) andergotamine (a vasoconstrictor used to control migraine), synthetic derivatives of importance are the oxytocic methergine, the anti-migraine drugs dihydroergotamine and methysergide, hydergine (a mixture of dihydroergotoxine mesylates, INN: ergoline mesylates), and bromocriptine, used for numerous purposes including treatment of Parkinson's disease. Newer synthetic ergolines used for Parkinson's disease include pergolide and lisuride.
Ergot: the story of a parasitic fungus (1958) on Youtube channel Wellcome library tells the story well.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The limestone the builders didn't pay attention to became a stumbling block

The geological society of America says, " Karst geology played a major role in Jerusalem's selection by David for his capital," Bramnik says. It proved to be a wise decision. One of David's successors, King Hezekiah, watched as the warlike Assyrian horde, a group of vastly superior warriors toppled city after city in the region. Fearing that they'd soon come for Jerusalem, he too took advantage of the limestone bedrock and dug a 550 meter-long (1804 feet) tunnel that rerouted the spring's water inside the city's fortified walls."

  So were there tombs with limestone stones blocking the doorway?

 Wikipedia article on limestone says," Most limestone is composed of skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera."
 Hence life on Earth is much older than the 6000 years the Babble suggests. Check mate, get past that one Jesus. The limestone the builders rejected becomes a stumbling block for Christians that they can not roll out the way. 

How about this for a scenario: Maybe when the tomb diggers mined out the tomb, where Jesus ended up, they didn't realize that there was a sink hole a few inches under the floor of the tomb. On the day that Jesus died there were lots of people mining away at the limestone / chalk / gypsum forming tombs. There was an earthquake which made them panic and leave their work.With reference to Matthew 27v52; Visitors to Jerusalem for the passover saw the miners covered in white chalk dust and mistakenly assumed they were ghosts risen from the dead (As you do)   Later Jesus body was placed in the tomb and it was sealed with a round limestone stone. Another coincidental earthquake then happened which caused the now weakened floor of J.C's tomb to collapse. Jesus' body fell down the sink hole and then was flushed away by an underground stream. The earthquake also made the stone by the tomb entrance fall over. The disciple who looked into the tomb either couldn't see the hole in the dark or maybe some stone from the roof fell in afterwards and blocked the hole from view?  The disciples were so surprised by the shock of the earthquake and the absence of the body that they hallucinate, imagining that they see Jesus.
 However if there was a hole in the floor of the tomb maybe  the council indirectly found out and either sealed the tomb & covered it = so it is now hidden or perhaps they had the hold repaired.
A sort of mix of "Finding Nemo" and "Flushed away" 

[ Virutally impossible that  a sink hole would have formed there = its a miracle. But maybe millions of years ago there was a lot of water there ] 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

You've had your chips Jesus, liberally sprinkled with sea salt

Matt 5v13 has Jesus say,"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?"

And Judas replied,"Who cares, just mine some more from under Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. There is enough there to supply 9 million tonnes a year for centuries. Throw it out on the roads of North America to be trampled under by cars, saving them from having an accident on ice. I'm going to stake ma claim right now, then I'll be God e rich.

The salt is thought to have been laid down during the silurian age, 430 million years ago, when a salty sea repeatedly dried out.
It is capped by dolostone which was formed 380 million years ago and contains fossilized coral. Yet more evidence to show the Babble is wildly mistaken about the idea that the Earth started 6000 years ago. So you've had your chips Jesus, liberally sprinkled with sea salt"

I read about it on "How the earth was made" by History channel, episode,"The great lakes"
35% of North Americas salt comes from these mines. Thin black lines in the walls of the salt mine show separate layers.

The Goderich mine can also be seen on Youtube
"The world's largest salt mine", Toronto Star channel